Angel, the vampire with a soul.


It wouldn’t be Buffy without Angel, they’re the yin/yang of the story. She’s the shining, golden warrior, he’s the shadow-clinging, brooding champion, atoning for his dark past. And speaking of his past, Angel wouldn’t be Angel without Angelus, when he’s good, he defends from the shadows, but when he’s bad, he revels in his brutality (see S02E14, Innocence, yep, the one where he turns back into Angelus, it’s heartbreaking—and then again in S02E19, I only have eyes for you, again romantic, but tragic).

Back to the weaving. What’s great about the warp in this series, is that it gives that beautiful, colorful structure, without taking away from the weft (or individual character notes), in this case, that deep, dark, inky-blue/black weft dominates the weaving, but that shiny and colorful structure underneath peeks through delicately, like how Angel’s dark persona (and leather jacket) cloaks his bright and shiny soul. And the strong twill pattern is reminiscent of his determination and purpose: redemption.