To the loom! Warping time.


I get pretty excited every time I start talking about this series I’ve been working on (truly, catch me out with friends who ask, “so what have you been up to?” and I jump right in about this project, how the warp is a reference to Sunnydale the place, but also connects and weaves (ha, ha) the characters together; then how this twill represents this part of the character’s personality and that the yarn is a metaphor for that characters flaw or power. Hopefully they’ve seen Buffy the Vampire Slayer (BTVS) or Angel and get it, but if not, it’s an interesting conversation.

Back to the weaving notes…

Like I mentioned above, the warp represents the physical location the series is set in, and connects the characters both figuratively as inspiration and character connection, and physically as the foundational warp threads between the panels. I went with a 100% cotton warp thread—it’s strong, flexible and I already had a lovely variety of colors on hand, that happened to be great matches to Sunnydale High School’s cream-colored limestone building against a rosey-blue sky, surrounded by Southern California foliage.

What I like most about this color and weight combination is that it gives me a good structural base for the upcoming sections, I’ll be able to use different fiber types, weights, textures and colors in the weft to highlight the individual aspects of each character, while keeping a solid foundation that unites them.